Selasa, 27 Agustus 2024

Pertemuan Demi Pertemuan

Hidup ini, sejatinya dibangun dari pertemuan demi pertemuan, bukan? Namun, yang menjadi pertanyaannya, sejauh apa kita bisa menjadikan setiap pertemuan itu bermakna? Karena, sering kali, di antara pertemuan demi pertemuan itu, yang banyak justru mendatangkan kecewa dan luka.

Setiap manusia punya hati. Tapi, hati yang kumaksud tentulah bukan sebuah organ yang memiliki fungsi untuk membantu proses metabolisme di dalam tubuh kita. Hati yang kumaksud, adalah sesuatu yang tak terlihat, tak tersentuh, tetapi ada. Ketika kita merasa sakit, nyerinya sulit sekali untuk pulih. 

Aku selalu penasaran, bagaimana jika manusia tidak punya "hati"? Apakah hidupnya akan lebih baik karena tidak bisa "merasai" apa pun yang melukainya? Atau, justru karena itulah kita akan semakin sakit. Karena tak bisa merasakan apa-apa.

Rasa sakit itu, kenapa sukar sekali sembuh? Sekuat apa pun aku berusaha, mengapa rasanya selalu seperti kembali ke titik semula. Di satu titik di perjalanan terjauh ini, aku berulang kali bertanya pada diriku sendiri. Kapan aku akan merasa baik-baik saja?

Kupikir aku sudah tak punya waktu lagi untuk bersedih. Untuk merasakan sebilah sembilu mengiris-ngiris perasaan dan hatiku. Untuk merasa, bahwa aku ternyata masih bisa terluka. Ternyata, kesibukan demi kusibukan, yang terkadang kupaksakan itu, hanya membuatku teralih sebentar saja.

Tuhan, aku tahu kamu telah memelukku. Erat. Begitu erat. Kau telah menghiburku dengan banyak hal. Tapi, apakah ini cara-Mu untuk menghilangkan semua bintik-bintik noda di hidupku? Bukankah dari setiap rasa kecewa, rasa sakit, atau ketidaknyamanan yang seorang hamba rasakan, adalah sebentuk kasih sayang dari-Mu?

Tuhan, Kau Mahatahu tentang apa yang terjadi hingga sejauh perjalanan hidupku. Tapi, biarkan aku tetap bercerita. Selalu dan selalu. Aku hanya ingin bersandar, sambil meresapi sisi terhalus perasaanku. Kurasakan betapa nyeri ini terasa nyeri. Mengalir perlahan merambati rongga-rongga di dadaku. 

Hidup ini, sejatinya dibangun dari pertemuan demi pertemuan, bukan? 

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2024

Why Every Woman Needs a Feelingirl Bodysuit in Her Closet

Every fashionista knows that the fashion trends keep changing. The old ones go away, and the new ones take their place. The interesting thing is that many fashion trends make a comeback. Similarly, bodysuits are one of them. They were extremely famous in the 80s and were known as onesies as well.

However, this time, people are wearing them all the time and anywhere they want. You can see people wearing slimming bodysuit during workouts, brunch dates, and night outs. This is because they are easy to wear.

Feelingirl has a lot of bodysuit options available. This is a perfect brand for anyone who wants to purchase bodysuits. So, let’s see why you should choose this brand!


The top benefit of using a bodysuit is its versatility. You will never run out of designs, colors, and styles. This means you will not run out of choices. The good thing is that Feelingirl has bodysuits available in straps and full sleeves, so there is something for every woman.

There are bodysuits available in mesh and low backs as well. These options are perfect for women who want a hot option. Also, if you want some bedroom fun, there are lace bodysuits available as well.


What we love about a full body shaper or bodysuit is that they are one-piece clothes. This is amazing because you don’t have to worry about the pairing. The bodysuits won’t get untucked. You can wear them with your regular jeans or formal pants with a higher waist. All of these options will create a seamless and smooth look.

In simpler words, there won’t be any slips and readjustments. The good thing is that Feelingirl has added adjustable shoulder straps, making it easier to adjust support for breasts. In addition, you can easily move around without any part of your body showing.


Flattering Design

This is the biggest benefit of using bodysuits. The bodysuits look amazing on slim as well as chubby people. The good thing is that a black bodysuit is a blessing for chubby women. This will make you look slim and hide all the imperfections.

This happens because bodysuits have a smoothing effect. They keep your body parts in the right place. Also, you can wear the seamless bodysuit shorts with a blazer or on their own, they will look amazing.


Unable to Go to Bathroom – The Only Con

Many women don’t purchase a bodysuit because they have to use the bathroom a lot. It is a common concept that they will have to take off the entire bodysuit to pee. However, if you use bodysuits from Feelingirl, there won’t be any such issues.

This is because Feelingirl uses snap closures in the bodysuits. This means you can open the gusset area with buttons and use the restroom. In addition, some of them are available with an open gusset, so you can easily use the restroom.


In simpler words, there’s no reason for you to say no to a Feelingirl bodysuit, so start shopping![]